Wednesday Wonder – October 25, 2023
I got a promotion this week. I was promoted from Mom to Granny. Pretty sure I am ready to take on the work of this new role, even though it happened earlier than originally expected.
Granny is a title I will wear proudly as did my mother and her mother. I have great role models in how to do the job. They both did it so well, but each in their own way.
This time reminds me how all of us, no matter whether we are related by blood or by faith, nurture one another. We are part of the family of God. We say that when we gather. We express it when we make promises to those who bring their children for baptism. We do it, when we help out and support the activities and opportunities for the children in our congregation. We live it, as we continue to support one another throughout our faith journeys.
So, we don’t need titles to be role models for others. We only need to live our lives as faithfully as we can. From us, others learn what is important; how to be faithful children of God.
While we don’t need titles, I think we like them sometimes. I know I am pretty attached to my new one and it has only been a few days. Cherish the role you play in the lives of others. You may not know what it was, but it was important.
Remember the old saying that tells us we may be the world to one person, even when we don’t know it. Holding that new little human last night certainly reminded me that in that moment, I was his whole world, He was depending on me to hold him closely, safely. And he was my whole world. For in that small bundle was all the potential to come.
Now if you will excuse me as I cut it short this week, I have someone to see…
Rev. Mary-Jane