Wednesday Wonder – November 27, 2024


I’ve got nothing!

For those of you old enough to remember the tv show Seinfeld, you will remember it was a show based on nothing. And it ran for years! Thinking back, it really was about nothing, but also about everything. It was just people living their lives and seeing how it goes.

While I sat staring at my computer screen, I wondered how it was that I kept coming up with ideas all this time. It was a wonder that I had so many things to talk about up until now. Were they all about nothing? Were they about something like Seinfeld was?

They were all about life. Life and its everyday happenings, and its sometimes extraordinary happenings. Nothing is ever about nothing. There is always something happening in life. Maybe just the humdrum type of thing that seems like nothing because we experience it everyday. Maybe something exceptional or extraordinary because we don’t experience it everyday. No day is ever completely about nothing.

The wonder (of Wednesdays and any other day) is that within any day God is speaking. The true wonder comes when we notice. We notice that in the midst of good days, or not so good days, God has been at work. Take a moment, when was the last time you noticed God’s handiwork? What was the last thing you saw God had done in your otherwise ho-hum day?

As we enter into the seasons of Advent and then Christmas, we begin to expect to see God. We get upset when others don’t realize that God is at the centre of these seasons. So, the question for each of us is where do WE see God in these seasons?

I was going to have our outdoor sign say:

Advent is here
Jesus is coming
Look busy

But then I realized maybe the general public wouldn’t get the joke. When I was in theological college my class got shirts that said, “Look busy, Jesus is coming.” Jesus being the ‘boss’ and all, we thought we should be doing something when he showed up. Sort of like when your boss is standing by your desk and you want to ensure they think that you are busy working.

As we begin to think about celebrating Jesus’ arrival, let’s look for the wonder in each day. God is there, let’s not miss it. Many missed the arrival of Jesus the Messiah because they either were not looking, or they were expecting something different. May we be looking. May we rejoice at the unexpected.

God is about to be in our midst. God is already in our midst. God will continue to be in our midst. Each day is not about nothing. Each day is filled with opportunities. Each day is full of wonder. Each day contains God.

Rev. Mary-Jane