Wednesday Wonder – January 1, 2025

Happy New Year!

Dropping in for a moment to wish you all the best as we enter a new year.

New Year’s day is, for me, a day of reflection. Well, it becomes that after I watch the Rose Parade; a ritual long held for me. Today we look both backward and forward. We say good bye to the old year and hello to the new one. Bittersweet as well as hopeful.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I am very glad to see 2024 in the rear view mirror. It is not a year I enjoyed particularly, and yet there were highlights that I will hold always in my heart. Most especially, all the love and support shared with me by the people of Kingsview. 2024 would have been an even more difficult year without you. There are learnings I am taking from it. There are hopes I bring from it. Most importantly, it is over! Now is the time to look forward with a renewed strength, endurance, energy and sense of God’s presence.

Like many of you, I have hopes for 2025. There is a long list on the desk in my home office of the intentions I have for the year. I don’t make resolutions because I tend to be an all or nothing sort of person and the moment I do fulfill a resolution perfectly, I give it up. My intention setting has given me more freedom to not think I have to do things perfectly. It is always a work in progress. My intention is progress, not perfection. That is something I tend to feel I can do more easily.

The heart of all the intentions I write down is simply to improve my well being and the well being of those around me. I pray that I can bring that heart to all I do in 2025.

Here’s to a new year! A new chance to begin again. A new chance to grow, learn and share. May we do so together as a community of faith that shines brightly in the world.

New year’s blessings,
Rev. Mary-Jane