Wednesday Wonder – March 6, 2024
After thirty years of ministry, it never ceases to amaze me that God can still surprise me. God is still providing new insights for me to share. The latest fits right into the theme of prayer that I have been using these messages to talk about during Lent.
I have mentioned in the past how when we pray for others going through tough times it is for them to have the strength, endurance and sense of God’s presence to get through. I know many have taken that to heart and pray for just that. I mentioned over the last couple of weeks that God doesn’t always answer right when we pray and we need to watch for the response at any time. I also mentioned last week about simply letting ourselves sit and be open to God, and whatever the conversation, for that is what prayer is all about, might contain.
Well, I have had my own experience of answered prayer and, while I have said God doesn’t always answer as we would expect, I truly understand my own words now. The sentence I began with today, I have heard it directed at me when I go to visit someone, or stop to check in with someone in passing, or when something I have said in worship or these messages resonates. I never contemplated it quite like I have recently. But, yes, it was, in fact, an answer to a prayer. God uses us to answer prayers for others. Often, we don’t even know we are doing it. We simply know we need to put our care and attention in a particular direction. We are God’s answer to someone’s prayer.
Recently, I have had an answer to a prayer I hadn’t even realized I prayed. Maybe it was an answer to all of those prayers for strength and endurance I and others have been praying for me. What I hadn’t realized was that I needed to learn to accept strength that was not my own to help me endure. When I was having trouble standing up, others were there to lift me, offer me support and keep me going.
I have never been one who was good at asking for help. I prefer the superwoman approach to life. I CAN do it all and I WILL do it all. But that isn’t sustainable. God is teaching me that these days. However, I have been praying, just as I asked all of you to pray, for strength and endurance. Sometimes that means the strength is external so we can endure. We endure because we know we are not alone. God’s presence may actually be the shoulder to cry on, the arm to lean on, the offer of help you wish you didn’t need.
As God’s family, we help one another to find strength, endurance and God’s presence. As family, we are those very things for one another. Answered prayer is all around us. We just need to accept.
Rev. Mary-Jane